Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 133

Question: Consider the reaction $ M_{(aq)}^{n+}+n{e^{-}}\to {M_{(s)}} $ . The standard reduction potential values of the elements $ M_1,,M_2 $ and $ M_3 $ are $ -0.34V,,-,3.05,V $ and $ -1.66,V $ respectively. The order of their reducing power will be [NCERT 1990]


A) $ M_1>M_2>M_3 $

B) $ M_3>M_2>M_1 $

C) $ M_1>M_3>M_2 $

D) $ M_2>M_3>M_1 $

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Correct Answer: D


The reducing power decreases as the reduction potential increase (becomes less negative).

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