Redox Reactions And Electrochemistry Ques 102

Question: For $ H_3PO_3 $ and $ H_3PO_4 $ the correct choice is [IIT Screening 2003]


A) $ H_3PO_3 $ is dibasic and reducing

B) $ H_3PO_3 $ is dibasic and non-reducing

C) $ H_3PO_4 $ is tribasic and reducing

D) $ H_3PO_3 $ is tribasic and non-reducing

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Correct Answer: A


$ H-O-\underset{O}{\overset{H}{\mathop{\underset{\downarrow }{\overset{|}{\mathop{P}}},}}},-OH $ , hence it is dibasic. It acts as reducing agent also.

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