P-Block Elements Ques 648

Question: The formation of $ O_2^{+}{{[PtF_6]}^{-}} $ is the basis for the formation of xenon fluorides. This is because


A) $ O_2 $ and Xe have comparable sizes.

B) both $ O_2 $ and Xe are gases.

C) $ O_2 $ and Xe have comparable ionization energies.

D) Both [a] and [c]

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Correct Answer: D


(i) The first ionization energy of xenon $ ( 1,170kJmo{{l}^{-}} ) $ is quite close to that of dioxygen $ ( 1,180kJmo{{l}^{-1}} ). $ (ii) The molecular diameters of xenon and dioxygen are almost identical. Based on the above similarities Barlett (who prepared $ O_2^{+}{{[PtF_6]}^{-}} $ compound) suggested that since oxygen combines with $ PtF_6 $ so xenon should also form similar compound with $ PtF_6 $ .

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