P-Block Elements Ques 59

Question: Which one of the following statements about the zeolites is false

[CBSE PMT 2004]


A) Zeolites are aluminosilicates having three dimensional network

B) Some of the $ SiO_4^{-4} $ units are replaced by $ AlO_4^{-5} $ and $ AlO_6^{9-} $ ions in zeolites

C) They are used as cation exchangers

D) They have open structure which enables them to take up small molecules

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Correct Answer: B


Zeolite have $ SiO_4 $ and $ AlO_4 $ tetrahedrons linked together in a three dimensional open structure in which four or six membered ring predominate. Due to open chain structure they have cavities and can take up water and other small molecules.

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