P-Block Elements Ques 571

Question: In nitroprusside ion, the iron and NO exist as $ F{{e}^{2+}} $ and $ N{{O}^{+}} $ rather than $ F{{e}^{3+}} $ and NO. These forms can be differentiated by


A) estimating the concentration of iron.

B) measuring the concentration of $ C{{N}^{-}} $

C) measuring the solid state magnetic moment.

D) thermally decomposing the compound.

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Correct Answer: C


The nitroprusside ion is $ {{[Fe{{(CN)}_6}N{{O}^{+}}]}^{2-}} $ The magnetic moment measurements reveal the presence of 4 unpaired electrons in Fe which must be then in $ F{{e}^{2+}}( 3d^{6} ) $ and not $ F{{e}^{3+}}( 3d^{5} ) $

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