P-Block Elements Ques 565

Question: $ P_2H_4 $ can be removed from phosphme containing traces of it


A) by passing impure $ PH_3 $ gas through a freezing mixture.

B) by passing the impure $ PH_3 $ gas through HI and then its treatment with KOH (aq).

C) by both [a] and [b]

D) by none of these.

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Correct Answer: C


Both the methods [a] and [b] can be used. When passed through freezing mixture the $ P_2H_4 $ present condenses and pure $ PH_3 $ is obtained. When passed through HI, $ PH_3 $ is absorbed forming $ PH_4I.PH_4I $ when treated with $ KOH( aq ) $ yields pure phosphine. $ PH_3+HI\xrightarrow{{}}PH_4I $ $ PH_4I+KOH( aq )\xrightarrow{{}}KI+H_2O+PH_3\uparrow $

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