P-Block Elements Ques 548

Question: A metal, M forms chlorides in its +2 and +4 oxidation states. Which of the following statements about these chlorides is correct?


A) $ MCl_2 $ is more ionic than $ MCl_4 $

B) $ MCl_2 $ is more easily hydrolysed than $ MCl_4 $

C) $ MCl_2 $ is more volatile than $ MCl_4 $

D) $ MCl_2 $ is more soluble in anhydrous ethanol than $ MCl_4 $

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Correct Answer: A


Metal atom in the lower oxidation state forms the ionic bond and in the higher oxidation state the covalent bond because higher oxidation state means small size and great polarizing power and hence greater the covalent character. Hence $ MCl_2 $ is more ionic than $ MCl_4 $ .

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