P-Block Elements Ques 538

Question: $ PbF_4,PbCl_4 $ exist but $ PbBr_4 $ and $ PbI_4 $ do not exist because of


A) large size of $ B{{r}^{-}} $ and $ {{I}^{-}} $

B) strong oxidising character of $ P{{b}^{4+}} $

C) strong reducing character of $ P{{b}^{4+}} $

D) low electronegativity of $ B{{r}^{-}} $ and $ {{I}^{-}} $ .

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Correct Answer: B


F and Cl are more oxidising in nature and can achieve Pb in (IV) O.S. but $ Br_2 $ and $ I_2 $ cannot achieve Pb in (IV) O.S. secondly $ P{{b}^{4+}} $ is strong in oxidising nature and in its presence, $ B{{r}^{-}} $ and $ {{I}^{-}} $ can not exist.

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