P-Block Elements Ques 520

Question: On adding ammonium hydroxide solution to $ Al_2{{(SO_4)}_3}(aq) $ :


A) A precipitate is formed which does not dissolve in excess of ammonium hydroxide

B) A precipitate is formed which dissolves in excess of ammonia solution

C) No precipitate is formed

D) None of these

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Correct Answer: A


$ Al_2{{( SO_4 )}_3}+6NH_4OH\xrightarrow{{}} $ $ 2Al{{( OH )}_3}+3{{( NH_4 )}_2}SO_4 $ $ Al{{( OH )}_3}+NaOH\xrightarrow{{}}\underset{Solublecomplex}{\mathop{N{{a}^{+}}{{[ Al{{( OH )}_4} ]}^{-}}}} $ It is insoluble in $ NH_4OH. $

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