P-Block Elements Ques 518

Question: In the following sets of reactants which two sets best exhibit the amphoteric characters of

$ Al_2O_3.xH_2O~ $ Set 1: $ Al_2O_3.xH_2O(s)andO{{H}^{-}}(aq) $ Set 2: $ Al_2O_3.xH_2O(s)andH_2O(l) $ Set 3: $ Al_2O_3.xH_2O(s)and{{H}^{+}}(aq) $ Set 4: $ Al_2O_3.xH_2O(s)andNH_3(aq) $


A) 1 and 2

B) 1 and 3

C) 2 and 4

D) 3 and 4

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Correct Answer: B


Aluminium oxide is amphoteric oxide because it shows the properties of the both acidic and basic oxides. It reacts with both acids and bases to form salt and water. $ Al_2O_3.xH_2O+2NaOH\xrightarrow{{}}NaAlO_2+H_2O $ $ Al_2O_3.xH_2O+HCl\xrightarrow{{}}AlCl_3+H_2O $

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