P-Block Elements Ques 384

Question: Which of the following oxy acids of phosphorus is a reducing agent and monobasic

[DCE 2004]


A) $ H_3PO_2 $

B) $ H_3PO_3 $

C) $ H_3PO_4 $

D) $ H_4P_2O_6 $

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Correct Answer: A


Hypophosphorus acid $ (H_3PO_2) $ is a monobasic acid which act as reducing agent. In this molecule two $ P-H $ bonds are responsible for its reducing character and one $ 2HI+H_2SO_4\to 2H_2O+\underset{\text{Violet vapour}}{\mathop{I_2+SO_2}}\uparrow $ bond is responsible for its monobasic acid character.

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