P-Block Elements Ques 225

Question: A compound of boron X reacts at $ 200{}^\circ C $ temperature with $ NH_3 $ to give another compound Y which is called as inorganic benzene. The compound Y is a colourless liquid and is highly light sensitive. Its melting point is $ -57{}^\circ C $ . The compound X with excess of $ NH_3 $ and at a still higher temperature gives boron nitride ( $ {{(BN)}_{n}} $ ). The compounds X and Y are respectively:


A) $ BH_3 $ and $ B_2H_6 $

B) $ NaBH_4 $ and $ C_6H_6 $

C) $ B_2H_6 $ and $ B_3N_3H_6 $

D) $ B_4C_3 $ and $ C_6H_6 $

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Correct Answer: C


The reactions involved are $ 3B_2H_6+6NH_3\to 2B_3N_3H_6+12H_2; $ (X)

(Y) $ B_2H_6+NH_3(excess)\xrightarrow{athighertemperature}{{(BN)}_{n}}+H_2 $ Y is borazole which is isosteric with benzene.

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