P-Block Elements Ques 216

Question: An oxide of carbon (X) reacts with ammonia to produce urea an important fertilizer. Which of the following combinations will not Yield (X).


A) $ C{{O}^{2-}}_3+HCl\xrightarrow{\Delta } $

B) $ CaO+C\xrightarrow{\Delta } $

C) $ C+ExcessO_2\xrightarrow{\Delta } $

D) $ HC{{O}^{-}}_3+HCl\xrightarrow{\Delta } $

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Correct Answer: B


(X) is $ CO_2 $ because $ CO_2+NH_3 $ under pressure gives urea, reaction (2) does not produce $ CO_2 $ $ CaO+3C\xrightarrow{\Delta }CaC_2+CO $

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