Equilibrium Question 914

Question: 10 mL, of a strong acid solution of $ pH=2.000 $ are mixed with 990 mL of another strong acid solution of $ pH=4.000 $ . The pH of the resulting solution will be:


A) 4.002

B) 4.000

C) 4.200

D) 3.7

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Correct Answer: D


$ [{H^{+}}] $ after mixing $ =\frac{{10^{-2}}\times 10+{10^{-4}}\times 990}{1000} $

$ \frac{0.1=0.0990}{1000}=\frac{0.1990}{1000}=1.99\times {10^{-4}} $

$ \therefore $ $pH=4-0.3=3.7 $

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