Equilibrium Question 828

Question: What would be the pH of a solution obtained by mixing 5g of acetic acid and 7.5g of sodium acetate and making the volume equal to 500 mL- $ (K_{a}=1.75\times {10^{-5}},pK_{a}=4.76) $


A) $ pH=4.70 $

B) pH < 4.70

C) pH of solution will be equal to pH of acetic acid

D) 4.76 < pH < 5.0

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Correct Answer: D


$ pH=pK_{a}+log\frac{[salt]}{[acid]} $

$ =4.76+log\frac{\frac{7.5}{100}}{\frac{5}{500}}=4.7+log1.5=4.87 $ Hence correct answer is $ 4.76<pH<5.0 $

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