Equilibrium Question 799

Question: Which equilibrium can be described as an acid- base reaction using the Lewis acid-base definition but not using the Bronsted-Lowry definition'


A) $ 2NH_3+H_2SO_4\rightarrow 2NH_4^{+}+SO_4^{2-} $

B) $ NH_3+CH_3COOH\rightarrow NH_4^{+}+CH_3CO{O^{-}} $

C) $ H_2O+CH_3COOH\rightarrow H_3{O^{+}}+CH_3CO{O^{-}} $

D) $ {{[Cu{{(H_2O)}_4}]}^{2+}}+4NH_3\rightarrow {{[Cu{{(NH_3)}_4}]}^{2+}}+4H_2O $

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Correct Answer: D


$ {{[Cu{{(H_2O)}_4}]}^{2+}}+4NH_3\rightarrow {{[Cu{{(NH_3)}_4}]}^{2+}}+4H_2O $ involves lose and gain of electrons. $ H_2O $ is coordinated to Cu by donating electrons (LHS). It is then removed by withdrawing electrons.

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