Equilibrium Question 784

Question: For a reversible gaseous reaction $ N_2+3H_2\rightarrow 2NH_3 $ at equilibrium, if some moles of $ H_2 $ are replaced by same number of moles of $ T_2 $ (T is tritium, isotope of H and assume isotopes do not have different chemical properties) without affecting other parameter, then:


A) the sample of ammonia obtained after sometime will be radioactive.

B) moles of $ N_2 $ after the change will be different as compared to moles of $ N_2 $ present before the change

C) the value of $ K_{p} $ or $ K_{c} $ will change

D) the average molecular mass of new equilibrium will be same as that of old equilibrium

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Correct Answer: A


Since $ T_2 $ has similar chemical properties as $ H_2 $ so upon mixing, $ NH_2T $ and $ NHT_2 $ are formed.

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