Equilibrium Question 700

Question: Which of the following equilibria will shift to right side on increasing the temperature [MP PMT 2000]


A) $ C{O {(g)}}+H_2{O {(g)}} $ ⇌ $ CO_2 {(g)}+H_2 {(g)} $

B) $ 2SO_2 {(g)}+O_2 {(g)} $ ⇌ $ 2SO_3 {(g)} $

C) $ H_2{O {(g)}} $ ⇌ $ H_2 {(g)}+\frac{1}{2}{{(O_2)} {(g)}} $

D) $ 4HC{l {(g)}}+O_2 {(g)} $ ⇌ $ 2H_2{O {(g)}}+2Cl_2 {(g)} $

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Correct Answer: C


$ H_2O(g) $ ⇌ $ {H _{2(g)}}+\frac{1}{2}{O _{2(g)}} $ In this reaction volume is increasing in the forward reaction. So on increasing temperature reaction will proceed in forward direction.

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