Equilibrium Question 671

Question: In the following reversible reaction $ 2SO_2+O_2 $ ⇌ $ 2SO_3+Q $

$ Cal $ Most suitable condition for the higher production of $ SO_3 $ is [NCERT 1974; DPMT 1983, 89; IIT 1981; MP PET 1992; MP PMT 1990, 91, 94, 99; CPMT 1973, 77, 84, 89, 94, 99]


A) High temperature and high pressure

B) High temperature and low pressure

C) Low temperature and high pressure

D) Low temperature and low pressure

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Correct Answer: C


Reaction is exothermic and volume is decreasing from left to right so for higher production of $ SO_3 $ there should be low temperature and high pressure.

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