Equilibrium Question 652

Question: 56 g of nitrogen and 8 g hydrogen gas are heated in a closed vessel. At equilibrium 34 g of ammonia are present. The equilibrium number of moles of nitrogen, hydrogen and ammonia are respectively [KCET 2004]


A) 1,2,2

B) 2,2,1

C) 1,1,2

D) 2,1,2

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Correct Answer: C


$ N_2+3H_2 $ ⇌ $ 2NH_3 $ -.. (i) at $ t=0 $

$ 56,gm $

$ 8gm $

$ 0gm $ = $ 2mole $

$ 4mole $

$ 0mole $ at equilibrium $ 2-1 $

$ 4-3 $

$ 34gm $ = $ 1,mole $ = $ 1,mole $ = $ 2,mole $ According to eq. (i) 2 mole of ammonia are present & to produce 2 mole of $ NH_3 $ , we need 1 mole of $ N_2 $ and 3 mole of $ H_2 $ hence $ 2-1=1 $ mole of $ N_2 $ and $ 4-3=1 $ mole of $ H_2 $ are present at equilibrium in vessel.

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