Equilibrium Question 612

Question: For which of the following reactions does the equilibrium constant depend on the units of concentration [AIIMS 1983]


A) $ N{O_{(g)}} $ ⇌ $ \frac{1}{2}{N_{2(g)}}+\frac{1}{2}{O_{2(g)}} $

B) $ Z{n_{(s)}}+Cu_{(aq)}^{2+} $ ⇌ $ C{u_{(s)}}+Zn_{(aq)}^{2+} $

C) $ C_2H_5O{H_{(l)}}+CH_3COO{H_{(l)}} $ ⇌ $ CH_3COOC_2{H_{5(l)}}+H_2{O_{(l)}} $ (Reaction carried in an inert solvent)

D) $ COC{l_{2(g)}} $ ⇌ $ C{O_{(g)}}+C{l_{2,(g)}} $

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Correct Answer: D


$ \Delta n $ = 1 for this change So the equilibrium constant depends on the unit of concentration.

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