Equilibrium Question 562

Question: For the reaction $ 2N{O_{2(g)}} $ ⇌ $ 2N{O_{(g)}}+{O_{2(g)}} $ $ (K_{c}=1.8\times {10^{-6}},at184{}^\circ C) $ $ (R=0.0831,kJ/,(mol.,K)) $ When $ K_{p} $ and $ K_{c} $ are compared at 184°C it is found that [AIEEE 2005]


A) $ K_{p} $ is greater than $ K_{c} $

B) $ K_{p} $ is less than $ K_{c} $

C) $ K_{p}=K_{e} $

D) Whether $ K_{p} $ is greater than, less than or equal to $ K_{c} $ depends upon the total gas pressure

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Correct Answer: A


$ k_{p}=k_{c}{{(RT)}^{\Delta n}} $

$ \Delta n=3-2=1 $ ; $ k_{p}>k_{c} $ .

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