Equilibrium Question 5

Question: Which of the following can act both as Bronsted acid and Bronsted base [MP PET 1995; MP PET/PMT 1998]


A) $ C{l^{-}} $

B) $ HCO_3^{-} $

C) $ H_3{O^{+}} $

D) $ O{H^{-}} $

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Correct Answer: B


Those substance accept the proton are called Bronsted base and which is donate the proton are called Bronsted acid. $ HCO_3^{-}+{H^{+}} $ ⇌ $ H_2CO_3 $ Bronsted base. $ HCO_3^{-} $ ⇌ $ {H^{+}}+CO_3^{-,-} $ Bronsted acid.

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