Equilibrium Question 451

Question: How many millilitres of $ 6.0M $ hydrochloric acid should be used to prepare $ 150ml $ of a solution which is $ 0.30M $ in hydrogen ion [Pb. PMT 1998]


A) 3.0

B) 7.5

C) 9.3

D) 30

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Correct Answer: B


$ M_1=6.0 $ M of HCl ; $ V_1=? $

$ M_2 $ =0.30 M is $ {H^{+}} $ concentration in solution. $ V_2= $ 150 ml of solution.

$ M_1V_1=M_2V_2 $ ; $ 6.0\times V_1=.30\times 150 $

$ V_1=\frac{.30\times 150}{6}=7.5 $ ml.

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