Equilibrium Question 384

Question: What is the correct relationship between the $ pHs $ of isomolar solutions of sodium oxide $ (pH_1) $ , sodium sulphide $ (pH_2), $ sodium selenide $ (pH_3) $ and sodium telluride $ (pH_4) $ - [CBSE PMT 2005]


A) $ pH_1>pH_2=pH_3>pH_4 $

B) $ pH_1<pH_2<pH_3<pH_4 $

C) $ pH_1<pH_2<pH_3=pH_4 $

D) $ pH_1>pH_2>pH_3>pH_4 $

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Correct Answer: D


Order of acidic strength is $ H_2Te>H_2Se>H_2S>H_2O $

$ Na_2O $ is a salt of NaOH $ +H_2O $ and $ H_2O $ is least acidic among given acids hence $ pH $ in this case will be $ {{\max }^{m}} $ .

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