Equilibrium Question 227

Question: $ K _{sp} $ value of $ Al,{{(OH)}_3} $ and $ Zn,{{(OH)}_2} $ are $ 8.5\times {10^{-23}} $ and $ 1.8\times {10^{-14}} $ respectively. If $ NH_4OH $ is added in a solution of $ A{l^{3+}} $ and $ Z{n^{2+}}, $ which will precipitate earlier [MP PMT 1989; CPMT 1989]


A) $ Al,{{(OH)}_3} $

B) $ Zn,{{(OH)}_2} $

C) Both together

D) None

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Correct Answer: A


Solubility of $ Al{{(OH)}_3} $ is lesser than $ Zn{{(OH)}_2} $ .

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