Equilibrium Question 216

Question: In the reaction: $ H_2S $ ⇄ $ 2{H^{+}}+{S^{–}} $ , when $ NH_4OH $ is added, then [KCET (Med.) 1999; AFMC 2000]


A) $ {S^{–}} $ is precipitate

B) No action takes places

C) Concentration of $ {S^{–}} $ decreases

D) Concentration of $ {S^{–}} $ increases

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Correct Answer: D


In IVth group the $ {S^{2-}} $ concentration increase when added the $ NH_4OHbecause $

$ NH_4OH $ ⇌ $ NH_4^{+}+O{H^{-}} $

$ H_2S $ ⇌ $ 2{H^{+}}+{S^{2-}} $

$ O{H^{-}}+{H^{+}} $ ⇌ $ H_2O $ . So that $ {S^{2-}} $ is increased.

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