Equilibrium Question 140

Question: The vapor density of completely dissociated $ NH_4Cl $ would be [NCERT 1974]


A) Slight less than half that of $ NH_4Cl $

B) Half that of $ NH_4Cl $

C) Double that of $ NH_4Cl $

D) Determined by the amount of solid $ NH_4Cl $ in the experiment

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Correct Answer: B


$ \frac{Normalmolecularweight}{experimentalmolecularwt\text{.}} $ = 1 + a $ NH_4Cl $ ⇌ $ NH_3+HCl $

$ \because \alpha =1 $ \Experimental Molecular wt = $ \frac{nor\text{.mol}\text{.wt}\text{.}}{2} $

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