D-And F-Block Elements Ques 91

Question: Potassium permagnate works as oxidising agent both in acidic and basic medium. In both state product obtained by $ KMnO_4 $ is respestively

[Kerala CET 2005]


A) $ MnO_2^{-} $ and $ M{{n}^{3+}} $

B) $ M{{n}^{3+}} $ and $ M{{n}^{2+}} $

C) $ M{{n}^{2+}} $ and $ M{{n}^{3+}} $

D) $ MnO_2 $ and $ M{{n}^{2+}} $

E) $ M{{n}^{2+}} $ and $ MnO_2 $

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Correct Answer: D


In alkaline medium, $ KMnO_4 $ first reduced in manganate & then in insolusle manganese dioxide.

$ 2MnO_4^{-}+H_2O\to 2MnO_2+2O{{H}^{-}}+3[O] $

In acidic medium, Manganous sulphate formed $ MnO_4^{-}+8{{H}^{+}}+5{{e}^{-}}\to M{{n}^{2+}}+4H_2O $ .

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