D-And F-Block Elements Ques 84

Question: In which of these processes platinum is used as a catalyst

[DCE 2004]


A) Oxidation of ammonia to form $ HNO_3 $

B) Hardening of oils

C) Production of synthetic rubber

D) Synthesis of methanol

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Correct Answer: A


Platinum acts as catalyst in the oxidation of ammonia to form nitric oxide.

This reaction is used in the Ostwald’s method of nitric acid preparation

$ 4NH_3+5O_2\underset{750{}^\circ C}{\mathop{\xrightarrow{Pt}}},4NO+6H_2O $ $ 2NO+O_2\to 2NO_2 $ $ 4NO_2+O_2+2H_2O\to 4HNO_3 $

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