D-And F-Block Elements Ques 46

Question: Which of the following statements is correct about equivalent weight of $ KMnO_4 $

[MP PET 1994]


A) It is one third of its molecular weight in alkaline medium

B) It is one fifth of its molecular weight in alkaline medium

C) It is equal to its molecular weight in acidic medium

D) It is one third of its molecular weight in acidic medium

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Correct Answer: A


It is one third of its molecular weight in alkaline medium because it gives 3 nascent oxygen in alkaline medium.

$ 2KMnO_4+H_2O,\xrightarrow{+3{{e}^{-}}},2KOH+2MnO_2+3[O] $ \ Equivalent weight = $ \frac{M}{3} $

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