D-And F-Block Elements Ques 450

Question: Zn gives $ H_2 $ gas with $ H_2SO_4 $ and $ HCl $ but not with $ HNO_3 $ because


A) Zn acts as an oxidising agent when react with $ HNO_3 $ .

B) $ HNO_3 $ is weaker acid than $ H_2SO_4 $ and $ HCl $ .

C) In electrochemical series Zn is above hydrogen.

D) $ NO_3^{-} $ ion is reduced in preference to hydroniumion.

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Correct Answer: D


$ NO_3^{-} $ ions are reduced by nascent hydrogen $ Metal+HNO_3\to Metalnitrate+[ H ] $ $ HNO_3+8[H]\to N_2O+5H_2O $

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