D-And F-Block Elements Ques 448

Question: Excess of KI reacts with $ CuSO_4 $ solution and then $ Na_2S_2O_3 $ solution is added to it. Which of the statements is incorred for this reaction-


A) Evolved $ I_2 $ is reduced

B) $ Cu_2I_2 $ is formed

C) $ Na_2S_2O_3 $ is oxidized

D) $ CuI_2 $ is formed

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Correct Answer: B


$ 2CuSO_4+4KI\to 2K_2SO_4+Cu_2I_2+I_2 $

$ 2Na_2S_2O_3+I_2\to Na_2S_4O_6+2NaI $

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