D-And F-Block Elements Ques 446

Question: The X, Y and Z respectively are


A) $ Ln_2O_3,H_2,Ln{{(OH)}_3}+H_2 $

B) $ Ln{{(OH)}_3}+H_2,Ln_2O_3,H_2 $

C) $ H_2,Ln_2O_3,Ln{{(OH)}_3}+H_2 $

D) $ Ln{{(OH)}_3}+H_2,LNO_3,H_2 $

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Correct Answer: B


Lanthanoids react with dilute acids to liberate $ H_2 $ gas and they form oxides and hydroxides of the type $ M_2O_3 $ and $ M{{(OH)}_3}+H_2 $ respectively.

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