D-And F-Block Elements Ques 398

Question: Which of the following ions has the highest magnetic moment

[JIPMER 1997; AIEEE 2002]


A) $ T{{i}^{3+}} $

B) $ S{{c}^{3+}} $

C) $ M{{n}^{2+}} $

D) $ Z{{n}^{2+}} $

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Correct Answer: C


$ T{{i}^{3+}},\to 3d^{1}4s^{0} $ ; $ S{{c}^{3+}},\to 3d^{0} $

$ M{{n}^{2+}},\to 3d^{5}4s^{0} $ ; $ Z{{n}^{2+}},\to 3d^{10}4s^{0} $ In $ M{{n}^{2+}} $ number of unpaired d $ {{e}^{-}}=5 $ .

So it has maximum magnetic moment according to the formula.

$ \mu =\sqrt{n(n+2)} $

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