D-And F-Block Elements Ques 305

Question: Of the ions $ Z{{n}^{2+}}, $ $ N{{i}^{2+}} $ and $ C{{r}^{3+}} $

[atomic number of $ Zn=30, $ $ Ni=28, $ $ Cr=24 $ ] [MP PET 1996]


A) Only $ Z{{n}^{2+}} $ is colourless and $ N{{i}^{2+}} $ and $ C{{r}^{3+}} $ are coloured

B) All three are colourless

C) All three are coloured

D) Only $ N{{i}^{2+}} $ is coloured and $ Z{{n}^{2+}} $ and $ C{{r}^{3+}} $ are colourless

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Correct Answer: A


$ N{{i}^{2+}} $ and $ C{{r}^{2+}} $ are coloured.

But $ Z{{n}^{2+}} $ is colourless because of absence of unpaired $ {{e}^{-}} $ .

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