D-And F-Block Elements Ques 199

Question: Which of the following does not react with $ AgCl $

[AIIMS 1997]


A) $ NaNO_3 $

B) $ Na_2CO_3 $

C) $ Na_2S_2O_3 $

D) $ NH_4OH $

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Correct Answer: A


$ NaNO_3 $ is purely ionic while AgCl is covalent other compounds reacts with $ AgCl $

$ 2AgCl+Na_2CO_3\to 2Ag+2NaCl+CO_2+\frac{1}{2}O_2 $

$ AgCl+2Na_2CO_3\to Na_2[Ag{{(S_2O_3)}_2}]+NaCl $

$ AgCl+2NH_4OH\to [Ag{{(NH_3)}_2}Cl]+2H_2O $

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