D-And F-Block Elements Ques 189

Question: Which one of the following metals will not reduce $ H_2O $

[EAMCET 1997]


A) $ Ca $

B) $ Fe $

C) $ Cu $

D) $ Li $

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Correct Answer: C


$ Cu+H_2O\to $ No reaction

$ E_{L{{i}^{+}}/Li}^{0}=-3.04V $

$ E_{{{H}^{+}}/H_2}^{0}=0.00,V $

$ E_{C{{a}^{+}}/Ca}^{0}=-2.87,V $

$ E_{C{{u}^{+}}/Cu}^{0}=+0.34,V $

$ Cu $ comes below H in the electrochemical series. Hence, unable to displace hydrogen from water.

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