D-And F-Block Elements Ques 160

Question: Copper displaces which of the metal from their salt solutions

[CPMT 1988]


A) $ AgNO_3 $

B) $ ZnSO_4 $

C) $ FeSO_4 $

D) All of these

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Correct Answer: A


$ Cu+2AgNO_3\to 2Ag+Cu{{(NO_3)}_2} $ $ Cu+ZnSO_4\to $ no reaction $ Cu+FeSO_4\to $ no reaction $ . \begin{matrix} E^{0}Z{{n}^{+2}}/Zn=-0.76,V \\ E^{0}C{{u}^{2+}}/Cu=+0.34,V \\ E^{0}F{{e}^{2+}}/Fe=-0.40,V \\ E^{0}A{{g}^{+}}/Ag=+0.80,V \\ \end{matrix} $ As it is clear that reduction potential of copper is more than Zn and Fe. Hence it is unable to displace them from their salts.

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