D-And F-Block Elements Ques 111

Question: Iodine is formed when KI reacts with a solution of

[Pb. CET 2004]


A) $ CuSO_4 $

B) $ {{(NH_4)}_2}SO_4 $

C) $ ZnSO_4 $

D) $ FeSO_4 $

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Correct Answer: A


Iodine being a strong reducing agent reduce $ C{{u}^{2+}} $ ions to $ C{{u}^{+}} $ ions and itself gets oxidised to iodine. $ \underset{Reduced}{\overset{+2}{\mathop{2CuSO_4}}},+\underset{Oxidised}{\overset{-1}{\mathop{4KI}}},\to \overset{+1}{\mathop{Cu_2I_2}},+\overset{0}{\mathop{I_2}},+2K_2SO_4 $

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