D-And F-Block Elements Ques 1

Question: Potassium permanganate acts as an oxidant in neutral, alkaline as well as acidic media. The final products obtained from it in the three conditions are, respectively

[MP PMT 1997]


A) $ MnO_2,MnO_2,M{{n}^{2+}} $

B) $ MnO_4^{2-},M{{n}^{3+}},M{{n}^{2+}} $

C) $ MnO_2,MnO_4^{2-},M{{n}^{3+}} $

D) $ MnO,MnO_4,M{{n}^{2+}} $

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Correct Answer: A


$ MnO_2,MnO_2,M{{n}^{2+}} $

In neutral medium: $ 2KMnO_4+3MnSO_4+2H_2O,\to $ $ K_2SO_4+2H_2SO_4+5MnO_2 $

In alkaline medium: $ 2KMnO_4+H_2O,\to ,2MnO_2+2KOH+3O $

In acidic medium: $ 2KMnO_4+3H_2SO_4,\to K_2SO_4+\overset{+2}{\mathop{2MnSO_4}}, $ $ +5H_2O+5O $

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