Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties Ques 327

Question: The order in which the following oxides are arranged according to decreasing basic nature is [CPMT 1985]


A) $ Na_2O,MgO,Al_2O_3,CuO $

B) $ MgO,Al_2O_3,CuO,Na_2O $

C) $ Al_2O_3,MgO,CuO,Na_2O $

D) $ CuO,Na_2O,MgO,Al_2O_3 $

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Correct Answer: A


$ Na_2O,MgO,Al_2O_3,CuO $ . More the metallic character higher the $ {{e}^{-}} $ donating tendency. Therefore lower the I.E. more the basic nature of oxide.

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