Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties Ques 296

Question: If the electronegativity difference between two atoms A and B is 2.0 then the percentage of covalent character in the molecule is


A) 54%

B) 46%

C) 23%

D) 72%

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Correct Answer: B


[b] The percentage ionic character is related to electro negativity difference between the two atoms. It is given by Hannay and Smith relationship % age ionic character $ =16,(X_{A}-X_{B})+3.5,{{(X_{A}-X_{B})}^{2}} $ Here $ X_{A} $ and $ X_{B} $ are electro negativities of the two atoms A and B respectively.
$ \therefore $ % ionic character $ =16(2)+3.5,{{(2)}^{2}}=46% $

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