Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties Ques 260

Question: Which one of the following orders presents the correct sequence of the increasing basic nature of the given oxides-


A) $ Al_2O_3<MgO<Na_2O<K_2O $

B) $ Mg,O $ $ <K_2O $ $ < $ $ AI_2O_3 $ $ <Na_2O $

C) $ Na_2O $ $ <K_2O $ $ <MgO $ $ < $ $ AI_2O_3 $

D) $ K_2O $ $ <Na_2O $ $ < $ $ AI_2O_3 $ $ <MgO $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] In a period, the nature of oxides varies from basic to acidic while in a group, basic nature of oxides increases. $ Oxides\underleftarrow{Decreaes} $ In a period, basic nature Changes to acidic nature $ \downarrow $ Basic nature Increases in a group Group 1 2 13 Period 3 $ \to $ $ Na_2O $ $ MgO $ $ Al_2O_3 $(Amphotiric oxide)

Period 4 $ \to $ $ K_2O $ (Strongly basic)

Hence, basic nature of oxides are as follows $ Al_2O_3<MgO<Na_2O<K_2O $

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