Chemical Thermodynamics Question 92

Question: A mixture of two moles of carbon monoxide and one mole of oxygen, in a closed vessel is ignited to convert the carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. If $ \Delta H $ is the enthalpy change and $ \Delta E $ is the change in internal energy, then [KCET 2005]


A) $ \Delta H>\Delta E $

B) $ \Delta H<\Delta E $

C) $ \Delta H=\Delta E $

D) The relationship depends on the capacity of the vessel

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Correct Answer: B


Formation of $ CO_2 $ from $ CO $ is an exothermic reaction; heat is evolved from the system, i.e., energy is lowered. Thus, exothermic reactions occur spontaneously on account of decrease in enthapy of system. Thus, $ \Delta E>\Delta H $ .

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