Chemical Thermodynamics Question 479

Question: The gaseous endothermic reaction : $ P+Q\to 3R $ at $ 327{}^\circ C $ takes place spontaneously, because-


A) $ \Delta H<0;,\Delta S<0 $

B) $ \Delta H>0;,\Delta S>0 $

C) $ \Delta H<0;,\Delta S>0 $

D) $ \Delta H>0;,\Delta S<0 $

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Correct Answer: B


  • $ \Delta G=\Delta H-T\Delta S $

For an endothermic reaction $ \Delta H=+ve $

[less molecules $ \to $ more molecules],
$ \Delta H=+ve $

$ \therefore $ $ T\Delta S>\Delta H, $ and $ \Delta G=-ve $

Hence, the reaction occurs spontaneously.

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