Chemical Thermodynamics Question 468

Question: Which of the following defines enthalpy of solution-


A) $ H_2O(l)\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}{{H}^{+}}(aq)+O{{H}^{-}}(aq) $

B) $ NH_4Cl(s)\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}NH_4^{+}(aq)+C{{l}^{-}}(aq) $

C) $ CuSO_4\cdot 5H_2O(s)+H_2O\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}CuSO_4(aq) $

D) $ CuSO_4(s)+5H_2O\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}CuSO_4\cdot 5H_2O(s) $

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Correct Answer: C


  • $ H_2O(l)\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}{{H}^{+}}(aq)+\overset{\Theta }{\mathop{OH}},(aq) $

Enthalpy of dissociation $ NH_4Cl(s)\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}NH_4^{+}(aq)+C{{l}^{-}}(aq) $

Enthalpy of dissociation $ CuSO_4\cdot 5H_2O(s)+H_2O\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}CuSO_4(aq) $

Enthalpy of solution $ CuSO_4(s)+5H_2O\xrightarrow[{}]{{}}CuSO_4\cdot 5H_2O(s) $

Enthalpy of hydration

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