Chemical Thermodynamics Question 406

Question: In an irreversible process taking place at constant T and P and in which only pressure-volume work is being done, the change in Gibbs free energy (dG) and change in entropy (dS), satisfy the criteria


A) $ {{(\Delta S)} _{V,E}}>0,{{(\Delta G)} _{T,P}}<0 $

B) $ {{(\Delta S)} _{V,E}}=0,{{(\Delta G)} _{T,P}}=0 $

C) $ {{(\Delta S)} _{V,E}}=0,{{(\Delta G)} _{T,P}}>0 $

D) $ {{(\Delta S)} _{V,E}}<0,{{(\Delta G)} _{T,P}}<0 $

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Correct Answer: A


  • For spontaneous reaction, $ dS>0 $ and $ \Delta G $ and $ \Delta G $ should be negative i.e. < 0.

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