Chemical Thermodynamics Question 350

Question: For which one of the processes represented by the following equations the enthalpy (heat) change is likely to be negative


A) $ C{{l}^{-}}(g)+aq\to C{{l}^{-}}(aq) $

B) $ Cl(g)\to C{{l}^{+}}(g)+{{e}^{-}} $

C) $ 1/2Cl_2(g)\to Cl(g) $

D) $ Cl_2(l)\to Cl_2(g) $

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Correct Answer: A


  • Gaseous ions, when dissolved in water, get hydrated and heat is evolved (heat of hydration). $ C{{l}^{-}}( g )+aq\to {{C}^{-}}( aq ) $ is such reaction .

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