Chemical Thermodynamics Question 328

Question: An ideal gas is allowed to expand both reversibly and irreversibly in an isolated system. If $ T_{i} $ is the initial temperature and $ T_{f} $ is the final temperature, which of following statements is correct-


A) $ T_{f} $ and $ T_{i} $ or both reversible and irreversible processes

B) $ {{(T_{f})}{irrev}}>{{(T{i})}_{rev}} $

C) $ T_{f} $ > $ T_{i} $ for irreversible process but $ T_{f} $ and $ T_{i} $ for irreversible process

D) $ {{(T_{f})}{rev}}>{{(T{i})}_{irrev}} $

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Correct Answer: B


  • Work done in reversible process is maximum. Thus $ T_2«T_1 $ in reversible process or $ T_{i}«T_{f} $

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